Solar eclipse on 11th July

There is going to be a solar eclipse on 11th July where you can expect a light show in skies of the South Pacific, southern Argentina and Chile.

It will be a rare solar eclipse as Moon will be passing between the Sun and Earth.

The eclipse will began at at sunrise about 435 miles southeast of the South Pacific island of Tonga, with the Moon's shadow moving toward the northeast before ending at sunset in South America.It will be a great view to see this eclipse on water as most of eclipse will be found in open water.

Don't ever try to watch this eclipse with your naked eye as it is quite harmful.However for a direct view of the Sun, you can use approved solar filter.

If you are the lucky one to view the eclispe :) then please do share your experience or pics if any!
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3 Responses to “Solar eclipse on 11th July”

July 13, 2010 at 12:08 AM

The first time i saw a solar eclipse i was ecstatic i can hardly believe it! I wasn't able to watch the one last july 11 though. Has anybody watched it?

Kristen Stewart said...
July 14, 2010 at 9:16 PM

Hope you would add my blog. Thanks a lot. Keep blogging....

Love your blog and you are added :) Keep up the good work and thanks for the kinds words. -- Kristen


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