NASA's Lunar CRater Obsevation and Sensing Satellite (LCROSS) impacted the Moon's crater Cabeus on October 9, 2009 near the South Pole to find if the permanently shadowed crater might be hiding water.
NASA previously eatimated that the debris plume would be witnessed by viewers on Earth with a 12 inch or large telescope , but no one on Earth witnessed it and the images broadcasted by LCROSS also did not showed debris plume.
However, LCROSS captured some high quality data.
6 Responses to “Was NASA "Moon bombing" a success ?”
Lets all hope that this mission becomes a success thanks for keeping us updated
So what was the end result? Any progress? or any good news for us? :)
@ Harsh Agarwal thanks for your valuable comment. I hope it brings good news to us. :)
I think we got nothing result about this...
So from what I understood from media there was no results after NASA's experiments in Cabeus. So there will or will not be life on moon?
I havenot I heard any new updates on this mission.Dont know whether it was a success or not
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